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HomeBang-Galore Club

Bang-Galore Club

Contact: Matt Head


Phone: 505-360-9015

Allen Prince
Phone: 505-634-0306



The San Juan Wildlife Federation Bang-Galore Rifle match is an exploding targets match. Competitors take turns shooting at exploding targets designated by the Match Director. The match consists of 7 to 15 exploding targets. The number of targets placed is at the discretion of the Match Director and will be dependent upon the number of competitors signing up for the match and range conditions. The targets are cardboard boxes which vary in size from 1" x 2.5" x .5" to 4" x 4" x 1". The targets are arrayed from 200 to 880 yards at the discretion of the Match Director. 

This match is the only time exploding targets are approved for use at the range. If members have exploding targets that they own and wish to shoot them at the SJWF Range, they may do so during this match only. Contact the Match Director or his representative at the match. The Match Director will assign an area where members may setup and shoot their targets during the match. Targets are limited to one pound. Match setup is usually between 12:00 and 12:45 P.M. So arrive with sufficient time to have your target area assigned and to setup your targets prior to the beginning of the match. 


Procedure. The match fee is $5.00 and is due before the start of the match. Shot tickets are sold for $1.00 each and are collected from each competitor just prior to each competitor's turn to shoot at the target. The tickets are collected and placed into the shot-ticket bucket as each competitor takes their turn. When the designated target is hit and explodes, the competitor making the winning shot splits the tickets contained in that target's bucket with the Match. If there is an odd number of tickets in the bucket, the odd ticket goes to the competitor. The match hours are from 1:00 P.M. to 4 P.M. At the end of the match (4:00 P.M.). All unexploded targets are recovered by the match staff and saved for the next match. If an engaged target remains unexploded at the end of the match, any collected tickets in its bucket go to the Match.

Equipment. Any rifle permitted for use on the SJWF Range may be used in the match. Smaller calibers may not have enough remaining energy at the longer ranges. Generally speaking 1600-1800 fps remaining velocity is required to explode the targets. Many competitors opt to use calibers in .243 (6mm) and above. Cell phones or tablets with ballistic programs may be used provided they do not provide real time distance or meteorological data. Any other equipment not prohibited is at the competitor's discretion. 


1. One-piece benchrests;    

2. Electronic distance and meteorological measuring equipment;    

3. Electronic computing sighting devices such as TrackingPoint;    

4. All spotting must be done by the competitors, no spotters are allowed;    

5. Cameras and cell phones connected to spotting scopes used for the purpose of hit spotting.  

You may register for matches online at You must register for a PractiScore account the first time you signup for a match. Thereafter, you can use your account to quickly logon to PractiScore. At the home page select Search for upcoming match, then Search Matches for “SJWF”. Select the match you want to shoot and a squad you’d like to shoot with, and your done. Pay the $5.00 match fee when you arrive at the match.